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  • Writer's pictureChloe Forkey

Everyone Deserves Rest

Let's talk respite care...

We have been pushing for the world to gain a better understanding about ASD. Autism and all the brilliance and struggle that can come along with it. This is one of the most important reasons for advocacy- sharing and illuminating all that people go through before and after their autism diagnosis. What's talked about less is the struggle that family members go through as they navigate this new world with their loved one.

It can be incredibly challenging to raise a child who is non-verbal or who requires assistance toileting past the first few years of childhood. Often, parents struggle to hold a job and care for their child around the clock. After all... who do you trust to manage your child's needs during the day? It can take a toll, to never be on your own or childfree. Well guess what?

We see you!

So... what does 'respite' mean? Well, the literal definition from the Oxford dictionary is: "a short period of rest or relief from something difficult." That can mean a lot of different things, so let's relate it back to ASD!

Respite care for parents of children on the spectrum offers a valuable opportunity for rejuvenation and relief from daily caregiving duties. This care can come in various forms, such as in-home services where professional caregivers or trusted family and friends step in to help for a few hours or longer. Additionally, out-of-home options like specialized centers, day programs, and extended overnight or weekend programs are available. These options are equipped with trained staff and resources specifically designed to meet the needs of children with autism.

For parents, respite care provides a much-needed chance to rest, recharge, and focus on other important aspects of their lives, significantly reducing caregiver burnout and stress. Meanwhile, children benefit from social interaction, engaging activities that promote skill development, and a refreshing change of environment.

Finding the right respite care can take some time! Ensuring that caregivers have the necessary training and experience, prioritizing the child’s comfort and safety, and clearly communicating the child’s needs and routines will help in selecting the best fit for your family.

We highly recommend utilizing the Parent 2 Parent of Georgia database! P2PGA is a wildly helpful organization, and we've already got you the link!

Embracing respite care as part of your support system can greatly enhance your well-being and ensure your child continues to receive quality care. It’s a positive step toward a balanced and fulfilling life for both you and your child. You are seen. Your needs are valid- and if no one has told you lately... You are doing amazing!

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